the services
Whether you need assistance accessing Government and community services, or wish to enroll in a language training, our experienced and diverse team will help you get started by building a settlement plan that works best for you!
The Settlement team will help you build on your strength and resources by providing you with the following settlement services:
- Information and orientation sessions: providing you with practical guidance for everyday matters. Through individual and group orientation sessions, the Settlement team will provide you with necessary information regarding banking, budgeting, taxes, daycare, school registration, shopping, food preparation, safety etc.
- Documentation: supporting newcomers complete their government issued documents such as permanent residence cards, work permits, Medicare applications, citizenship applications, sponsorship applications, Canada child benefits etc.
- Referrals: linking newcomers to community available resources and services such as banking, housing, and health, cultural, educational, recreational and legal facilities.
- Counselling: identifying and addressing specialized services through community organizations and government institutions for newcomers experiencing difficulties in adjusting to their new life in Canada.
Clients Served* in 2023-2024 (*RAP)
Newcomers Served* in 2023-2024 (*CSS)
Families Safe Housing in 2023-2024
Ammar Younus, Settlement Manager