communty connections
Building a Better Tomorrow
the services
Our experienced and passionate MAGMA team is here to help newcomers and provide guidance and advice:
- Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) provide quality initial settlement services to newcomer families with school-aged children: school registration, readiness, in-school checks…)
- Youth Inclusion Activities provide support for newcomer youth in their settlement journey so to link them with the right community services, sports programs, and cultural events.
- Head Start to Employment creates clear pathways to meaningful employment: pre-arrival employment services, navigation and awareness of provincial employment services, support in pathways to International Qualification Recognition (IQR), and engaging employers to ensure they can attract, hire and retain globally competitive talents.
- Pre-Employment counseling through pre-employment one-on-one and group workshops: resume building, interview skills, job search tips…) as well as facilitating the Federal Internship Program (FIN).
- Skills Launch for adults is a pre-employability program supporting newcomers age 30+ with in-class WES and EAL support followed by a paid internship.
Elizabeth Jonah, Community Connections Manager
MOSAÏQ Festival is a multicultural event designed to entertain, promote and foster the values, riches, and benefits of diversity and inclusion. Each year over a two-day period, MOSAÏQ will offer an exciting lineup of programming curated to contribute to the values and conditions that make our region more and more vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive. We aim to bring you the sights, sounds, and flavours of the world that lives within our community for MOSAÏQ festival is all about celebrating the ever-growing cultural fabric of our region. An authentic platform for diversity, MOSAÏQ has something for everyone for it is the Everyone’s Festival.