
Your First Step Starts Here

The services

As your first point of contact, Intake will respond to all your inquiries, questions, and requests and will provide the necessary coordination between you and the right MAGMA service department.

Additionally, upon identifying and assessing your settlement needs, Intake will provide you with the appropriate resources and information, as well as internal and external referrals.

As a newcomer, the Intake team will help you develop plans addressing housing, school registration, sports activities and hobbies. They will also provide you with referrals to and information about professional networking events and groups.

Afef Tayech, Intake and Operational Efficiency Manager


MOSAÏQ Festival is a multicultural event designed to entertain, promote and foster the values, riches, and benefits of diversity and inclusion. Each year over a two-day period, MOSAÏQ will offer an exciting lineup of programming curated to contribute to the values and conditions that make our region more and more vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive. We aim to bring you the sights, sounds, and flavours of the world that lives within our community for MOSAÏQ festival is all about celebrating the ever-growing cultural fabric of our region. An authentic platform for diversity, MOSAÏQ has something for everyone for it is the Everyone’s Festival.

you can make a difference

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