learn english

Better Skills for Better Communication

The services

Whether learning English for the first time or seeking to improve and develop you communication skills in English? MAGMA has something for you. With a variety of English learning programs that are designed the specific language learning needs for newcomers, MAGMA Language School offers:

  • LINC – English Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada Program provides language instructions to newcomers helping them integrate into Canada socially, culturally, and economically. The program curriculum guidelines are designed in alignment with the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) and provides language training to various levels including adult literacy learners. 3-hours Classes are offered in the morning, afternoon and evening, Monday to Friday.
  • Sector-Specific Language Training is an employment-focused program offering training for specific sectors such as childcare assistant, customer care, hospitality to 12-week cohorts.
  • Francophone International Student Retention Program (FISRP/PREi) offers training in English, essential skills for work and networking, career guidance and planning hence providing Francophone international students with the necessary language and communication tools to prepare for the job market or improve their professional skills. The program also supports local employers in their recruitment of employees.
  • English Conversation Circles provide informal online language training through conversational practice for newcomers with beginner and intermediate level and computer skills. English Conversation Circles are offered in the evening on Mondays & Thursdays with one-on-one tutoring available on Fridays.
  • Learning Assistance is offered to support students who may need additional practice or targeted focus in their language training.
  • Short-term Support Counselling is provided to identify and address the needs of newcomers experiencing an urgent need for advice and support that can’t be addressed through referrals to MAGMA other settlement services.


Angela MacMichael, Language Manager


MOSAÏQ Festival is a multicultural event designed to entertain, promote and foster the values, riches, and benefits of diversity and inclusion. Each year over a two-day period, MOSAÏQ will offer an exciting lineup of programming curated to contribute to the values and conditions that make our region more and more vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive. We aim to bring you the sights, sounds, and flavours of the world that lives within our community for MOSAÏQ festival is all about celebrating the ever-growing cultural fabric of our region. An authentic platform for diversity, MOSAÏQ has something for everyone for it is the Everyone’s Festival.

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